Have you Warped your PC with OS/2 yet ? They have:
SBT Information Systems
Why OS/2 Warp®?
There are several million users worldwide which are running PCs and applications
based on OS/2.
As OS/2 Warp® users we were continually frustrated by the lack of exposure for
these excellent, mission critical applications and the operating system that enabled
them. The SBT Information Systems Page is our small effort to increase awareness
of OS/2 Warp and OS/2 applications. We hope you enjoy the information we have collected.
You are always welcome at our offices to check out the latest in high-performance,
32-bit multithreaded software, and to see how you can put it to your advantage.
On this Web
- Latest News & Newsletters

- Operating Systems
- Productivity, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, DataBase
- Utilities & Maintenance
- Communications
- Graphics & DTP
- MultiMedia & UltiMedia
- Visual Development Tools
- IBM Workgroup Solutions
- Networking, LANs & WANs
- Power Tools
- Programming Tools, REXX & Editors
- CAD, Scientific & Engineering
- Backup, HardDisk, RAID, & Security
- Others
- Games & Divertissement
- Late Additions
- The Coupon
- To Warp - or not to Warp ? links to reviews, as well as links to other OS/2 Web Sites
- OS/2 Publications
BMT Micro Software Sales Australian
Hot Links, Cool Sites
OS/2 related pages our own collection
of interesting sites, frequently updated
Sundial Systems Relish, ClearLook, Mesa
2, DBExpert, Rover
Keller Group PMfax/Voice
PolyEx Hopkins FBI, Talos V and other products
Computer Interface Corp OmniFile,
Contact Connection
ModularDreams WebAK, PaintFX
WorkLab LogoArt
Priority Master Ted Waldron's Priority Master
True Spectra Inc Home of Photo>Graphics
for OS/2
Solution Technology Inc Applause, Review,
Twain, BarCode
SekTor Techologies from where
we stole the animated logos...
The Warp PharmacyThe
Bush Doctor has the elixir to fix your ailing Warp.
Team Computer Team Multimedia NeoN 3D Animagination
for OS/2
International Software Solutions Remote Services
Pinnacle Technology: Desktop Observatory
Innoval Post Road Mailer, NetXtra, WebWilly
LogiSoft AR Ltd home of RexxBOS, a complete
OS/2 Rexx interface.
MicroLearn OS/2 Games
SPG Inc. Colorworks for OS/2
Client Server Networking High Performance
LAN Tools

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